PBC is the premier blockchain-focused student organization at Princeton University. Our goal is to build a vibrant and diverse network for Web3.0 natives on campus.

Between our different teams, we bring tons of unqiue blockchain events and opportunities to campus.
🏛️ Governance
Make important decisions with ~$4.3 million worth of voting power in DAO’s.
📚 Education
Hosting weekly “blockchain 101” curriculum covering a range of topics including smart contract, DeFi, crypto, DAO, etc to promote blockchain technologies in Princeton.
🖨️ Branding
Managing social media platforms, websites, and other channels to publicize the achievements of other team initiatives and promote Princeton Blockchain Society on campus and beyond
🗽 Crypto TigerTrek
Brings 15-20 selected Princeton students to visit top crypto founders and investors in New York City for a week. See more inforamtion on the TigerTrek site.
Please reach out to (and/or keep in touch!) with us using any of the following platforms:
- ︎ Contact Form
- Email: meta@princeton.edu
- Insagram: @princetonblockchain
- Twitter: @pton_blockchain